Katie Jenkins INST 4010

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Instructional Architect

I liked this program overall. It's great to be able to have a lesson plan so organized and related to how we learn these days. One thing I didn't like was that it didn't find resources for me from what they had. Maybe I just didn't type it well enough in the keyword, but all my resources had to come from other websites. Here it is: http://ia.usu.edu/viewproject.php?project=ia:8420

Friday, November 14, 2008

Picture Time!

I think this comic program was really fun to learn. It could be useful in the classroom, however the program is only used with Macs so that is a little frustrating. Overall, it's a fun program that I'd use in the classroom if it was available to me.

Digital Photo Geometry Project!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Web Site Evaluations

The biggest thing I learned from this assignment is how nice google is! You can just type in the type of website you're looking for and it pulls a bunch up. Obviously, not all of these are legitimate, but there are some good ones. In my opinion, it's important to get a website that doesn't end in .com, it seems to be much less reliable because those are commercial enterprise websites. You definitely need to search through the sites you pull up to make sure they are accurate and meet the needs of your class.

Reflection on Surveys!

I thought the surveys/spreadsheets were really fun to create and take. I would definitely use them in my classroom. They give you a lot of options and make it really easy to use. It's a convenient way to get a quiz to all your students!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Survey Survey Survey!!!

Here is a fun little survey, so enjoy! My survey!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Google Docs

I thought learning about google docs was interesting, but I can't really imagine using it much. It just reminded me of using a blog. I'd rather have a classroom blog. Also, I don't really mind sending out email attachments so I'd probably just rather do that. Good to know google reader exists though!